Sunday, January 4, 2009

a day in kindergarten

elijah loves kindergarten. these are just some shots from a day i was helping out and happened to bring my camera. they are playing a game where the kids are in a circle and one child is standing on the outside of the circle. the teacher then shows flash cards with sight words on them. the child standing, and the child sitting directly in front of them race to say the word first. if the standing child wins, he/she moves to the next kid in the circle. if the sitting child wins, they trade places with the standing child. it was lots of fun to watch the kids. i think the funniest is when the other kids want to help the ones who are racing. they know the answer and are just itching to share it. when eli had his turn he did very well. he got about half way around the circle before someone answered quicker than him.

so cute!!

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